Monday 28 January 2013

Kids Yoga, Rainbow Kids and Bikram

Pathway Yogi welcomed Eastbourne's Home School Group to our studio. We had a lovely group of mixed ages from 3 - 10. 

The kids and adults had an amazing time. We did some fun warm ups to music. They loved Yoga Freeze. We took a magic carpet ride to India, found ourselves in the Jungle - we saw lots of cobras, monkeys, giraffes, cats and more. The kids loved using masks during our hour of yoga play. It was a brilliant class- parents and children left with big smiles on their faces. We used a beautiful relaxation - of bubbles, skies and clouds. The kids were perfect during the relaxation. It was a beautiful thing to watch the kids have loads of fun with the added bonus of leaving class beautifully relaxed.

Our kids and toddler classes are unique. Trained by the internationally renowned Rainbow Kids Yoga. Rainbow Kids Yoga will be holding their 3 day Teacher Training Event at Pathway Yogi in April.

Kids laugh and play the yoga way. Our main emphasis is on kids having fun. We have a new facebook page for our kids and toddler classes - Yogi Chimps. Our new courses are starting in March.

We had another super successful Friday night Bikram at Pathway Yogi, with the wonderful Naomi Clark. The studio heated beautifully and everyone loved the Bikram method and Naomi's teaching.

Naomi will be offering Monday Lunch Time Bikram at Pathway Yogi. The course will run for six weeks. Please get in touch for more info. The six week course will begin on the 11th February.

If you would like to get in touch:

07427 451 689

Blessings :)

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