Thursday 4 April 2013

Bikram Method Yoga, Kids Dance, Kids Yoga, Baby Yoga and Rainbow Kids Yoga

Pathway Yogi - April Blog

The studio has started to get busy as we approach spring. Our third Bikram courses are just about to commence with Naomi Clark. Naomi has brought wonderful Bikram Yoga to Eastbourne, the classes have started to become very popular with all ages.

Bikram method Yoga can burn between 600 - 900 calories per session. Each class last for 90 mins in heated room, often reaching temps of 105. The Bikram method consists of 26 Hatha Yoga postures in a heated room.

Naomi has a wealth of experience. She has taught students Bikram method all over the world. Pathway yogi is thrilled to have her here with us in Eastbourne. For more information on Naomi, Bikram Yoga and Raw food see her website:

Kids Classes and Events:

Our Kids Classes are continuing to grow. We now teach Yoga and Dance to kids of all ages. Currently we hold the Home School Group on Wednesdays.  

We have new Kids Classes starting shortly. 

These classes will be held on Saturdays at 11:00 -  12:00 at Pathway Yogi. Price will be £4.00 per child. If there are siblings a discount will be applied.

During the Summer term will be teaching both at our studio, Bede's School and a couple of festivals.

We now have Mama and me Yoga at the studio every Thursday between 10 - 11am. We are very lucky to have incredible teacher and Mummy- Marlena Krzesniak. Marlena is both a qualified Yoga Teacher and specialist Baby/child Yoga Teacher.

Rainbow Kids Yoga will be at our studio between the 12th - 14th April. For their 3 day Teacher Training Event. 

Their training is amazing, I learnt so much from the course. They have helped me make my kids classes amazing, full of fun and laughter:)

They are holding a Community Class at the studio on the 13th April between 16:30 - 17:30.

The class is by donation only. All proceeds of the class will go to local Charity in Polegate Children with Cancer.

For any further information about classes and school visits please email us:

07427 451 689

Have a wonderful week :)

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Bikram, Rainbow Kids Yoga, Capoeira and Dance

We have had a busy last few weeks at Pathway Yogi, the studio is starting to fill with some brilliant classes both for kids and adults. 

We have some new classes coming to the studio. Kids Capoeira is coming to Pathway Yogi. The course begins on the 20th Feb. Classes will run every Wednesday at 16:30 -17:30. The cost will be £4 per child. Adult Capoeira classes are also available every Wednesday at 18:00. Kids can always stay with their parents. Hugo's classes have seen great success throughout Brighton and Aberdeen for both Adult and Kids classes.

We have some NEW DANCE CLASSES coming to the studio. 

Rainbow Kids Yoga the internationally renowned Kids Yoga Training programme is coming to Pathway Yogi in April for their 3 day Teacher Training Event. We already have 8 confirmed keen Kids Yoga Teachers. We have opened our kids classes with great success. Our Kids and Toddler classes Yogi Chimps run with the Home School Eastbourne Group. Our new courses start in March for both Kids and Toddlers. Please get in touch for more info. Our classes are unique using the incredibly fun Rainbow Kids Yoga method. Kids leave- relaxed and smiley. After having brilliant Yoga Play:)


What to look for in a kids Yoga Class?

Before enrolling your child in a yoga class- it is very important to check the teacher is both qualified and insured. Ideally, a specialist kids yoga teacher should have some specific kids training. These courses are geared to train teachers to teach kids. Which is something very different from teaching adults.

I can recommend fully Rainbow Kids Yoga, their training is unique and packed full to the brim on trainings and info. Students leave with an excellent training pack.

There are many training bodies, look for a recognised logo.

Kids love to have fun- for me this is the most important attribute a kids yoga class should have. The teacher should be able to inspire the kids with silliness, games and laughter.

You can always tell if a kid has enjoyed their class, by their willingness/unwillingness to return to class the following week.

Our Bikram Yoga with Naomi Clark has been super successful. Currently we are offering two courses. One on Fridays at 18:00 - 19:30 and the other on Mondays Lunchtimes at 12:00 -13:30pm. Currently, Friday is fully booked. Next course will be advertised shortly. We still have a few spaces left for the Monday Lunch time course.

Naomi and Pathway Yogi have been working together to bring some new exciting things to the studio. 


WORKSHOPS- Hot Flow Yoga, with Yoga Nidra and Raw choc with Naomi. Date to be confirmed.

We can be contacted on or phone us on 07427 451 689

Have a blissful week:)

Monday 28 January 2013

Kids Yoga, Rainbow Kids and Bikram

Pathway Yogi welcomed Eastbourne's Home School Group to our studio. We had a lovely group of mixed ages from 3 - 10. 

The kids and adults had an amazing time. We did some fun warm ups to music. They loved Yoga Freeze. We took a magic carpet ride to India, found ourselves in the Jungle - we saw lots of cobras, monkeys, giraffes, cats and more. The kids loved using masks during our hour of yoga play. It was a brilliant class- parents and children left with big smiles on their faces. We used a beautiful relaxation - of bubbles, skies and clouds. The kids were perfect during the relaxation. It was a beautiful thing to watch the kids have loads of fun with the added bonus of leaving class beautifully relaxed.

Our kids and toddler classes are unique. Trained by the internationally renowned Rainbow Kids Yoga. Rainbow Kids Yoga will be holding their 3 day Teacher Training Event at Pathway Yogi in April.

Kids laugh and play the yoga way. Our main emphasis is on kids having fun. We have a new facebook page for our kids and toddler classes - Yogi Chimps. Our new courses are starting in March.

We had another super successful Friday night Bikram at Pathway Yogi, with the wonderful Naomi Clark. The studio heated beautifully and everyone loved the Bikram method and Naomi's teaching.

Naomi will be offering Monday Lunch Time Bikram at Pathway Yogi. The course will run for six weeks. Please get in touch for more info. The six week course will begin on the 11th February.

If you would like to get in touch:

07427 451 689

Blessings :)

Friday 4 January 2013



Happy New Year to each and everyone of you. I hope this year is full of love, success and joy:)

Pathway Yogi, Eastbourne is pleased to announce Rainbow Kids Yoga will be holding their 3 day internationally renowned teacher training programme at Pathway Yogi, Eastbourne.

Their 3 day teacher training programme will equip each student with all the knowledge, play and fun they need to hold kid's yoga classes. The course also covers children with special needs.

Founder of Rainbow Kids Yoga Interview

Gopala founder of Rainbow Kids Yoga has brought kids yoga to countries all over the world. The course teaches fun, play, class lessons and much more.

For further information about their training Information about Rainbow Kids Yoga 3 Day Teacher Training.

Please note you do not need to be a qualified Adult Yoga teacher to take this course. You just need to love kids and love having FUN :)

Details of 3 day Rainbow Kids Yoga Teacher Training

For Further information please send us an email on or contact Rainbow Kids Yoga


Pathway Yogi


Namaste Yogis and Yoginis

We have some very exciting news :)

For the first time ever- BIKRAM YOGA will be coming to Pathway Yogi, Eastbourne, East Sussex. Bikram Yoga, Pathway Yogi, Eastbourne, East Sussex

Naomi Clark will be heading the classes who has a wealth of experience, and is renowned in the yoga world. Naomi Clark Bikram Yoga

Bikram yoga is the perfect post Christmas indulgence for the body, mind and soul. The classes are true to Bikram - 90 mins of hot yoga, through 26 Hatha yoga postures. A complete workout for body, mind and breath.

Naomi will be holding the first six week course, every Friday between 18:00 - 19:30. The course cost 60 pounds, brilliant price for 90 mins of Bikram indulgence for the body. Find yourself stretching into positions you never thought you could reach. Rejuvenate your body and mind with Naomi for 2013.

The course will commence on the 18th January 2013 for six consecutive weeks, ending 1st March 2013.

Please contact us for further info:



Wednesday 2 January 2013

News, Kids Yoga and Bikram Yoga Eastbourne.

Namaste Yogis

Welcome to our new blog.

We will use this blog to discuss all things yoga, news at the studio and info about our yoga shop.

We are pleased to announce we have several new teachers and therapists at Pathway Yogi.

Naomi Clark is joining us and bringing the first ever BIKRAM YOGA in Eastbourne to our beautiful studio. More info about Naomi can be found on

Sioux Clare King is joining us every Friday. Teaching an hourly pilates class.

Laura Hancock Ayuvedic specialist has joined Pathway Therapies. She is available by appointment only.

Stephanie Andrews has joined us. She specialises in Acupuncture  Nutrition, Massage and Chakra Healing. Stephanie is available by appointment only.

Hugo will be holding kids Capoeira classes at Pathway Yogi in the future.

Rainbow Kids Yoga is joining us for their three day Kids Teacher Training in April -


Pathway Yogi :)